
We’ve compiled a list of theatre terms we commonly use to help out any novice.

Take a look!


first fittings

Who we are! It also refers to the initial meeting between performer, costume designer and wardrobe team to size and fit the initial draft or concept of their costumes.


All surrounding areas of the stage including the wings, greenroom, dressing rooms, costume shop, scenic shop, fly loft, booth, trap room, etc.


A place where important information and resources are posted for the full cast and crew to access.


The company of performers in a show.


An adult who oversees the wellbeing and school work of children / underage performers when offstage; and supervises their entrances and exits while onstage.

costume designer

The person who envisions and oversees the curation of materials and creations of garments for a production.

costume shop

Where costume renderings for a show are displayed and where said costumes are built, fitted and stored until load in. Also home to all the sewing machines, materials, and costume shop staff.


The members of the production team who prepare, maintain, and repair the material and technical needs of the show in addition to running a track of cues during performances.


When the cast returns to the stage to bow and the audience shows their support with applause.


The art or technique of dramatic composition or representation.


The final rehearsal of a production where the cast is in costume.

Load in / load out

The process of assembling all physical pieces of a show prior to it’s tech rehearsals and performances - and disassembling again when the show has closed.


An gathering that accompanies the first rehearsal or load in where the full cast, crew, and staff of a production introduce themselves.

opening night / red carpet

The performance that ends preview performances and officially opens the show to the public


The public performances, prior to opening night, where changes from daily rehearsals are implemented.


The private entrance to a theater for the cast and crew . Also the location where audience members and fans gather to collect autographs.

Stage manager

The member of the production team who oversees the communication and well being of the full company. In addition to calling all the cues in each performance, they manage numerous aspects of a production from the first audition to closing night.

step & repeat

An opening night event when those in attendance, including actors, production team members, and celebrities, “step” onto the red carpet and have their photos taken.

Tech rehearsal

The rehearsals that take place in the theatre where all the technical components are combined.